Loudsound.org College Football Rankings
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Loudsound.org College Football Rankings is a new way of ranking Division 1A football teams, not only for the current year, but every year in the history of college football! Who was really the best team in 2000? 1991? 1913? Or all time, for that matter? Now you can find out.

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Thursday, 1 September 2016

It's kickoff day! We added a lot of new features related to spread data last year, so browse through the predictive pages to see that. There's a lot more cooking that hopefully we'll be able to make live soon. We've also changed the preseason rankings (again!) to hopefully make a little more sense. Now, under "Rank", you'll find "Preseason" and "Predicted". Those should be fairly self-explanatory, but "Preseason" uses the previous four seasons results to come up with an initial team rating, which is also used for the first few weeks of predictions. "Predicted" matches the entire season prediction that is also found at http://football.loudsound.org/2016/predictive/complete/pre/rank/20.

Before we get to the end of season predictions, let's review the first week's predictions (http://football.loudsound.org/2016/predictive/complete/pre/scores/2) quickly. Due to the odd scheduling quirk this year with last week's Cal-Hawaii game the "first" week is week 2. We start the season with an upset with Appalachian State taking down Tennessee! It's a toss-up game due to the preseason ratings, but App State gets the edge. Other notable results include Clemson over Auburn, Alabama over USC, Texas A&M edging UCLA, LSU over Wisconsin and Notre Dame taking out Texas.

Without further ado, here are the end of season predictions! In the playoffs we have Clemson over Miami (in a rematch of the ACC Championship!) and Notre Dame over Penn State, with Clemson taking home the title!

1 Clemson
2 Notre Dame
3 Alabama
4 Northern Illinois
5 Oregon
6 Miami Florida
7 Penn State
8 Oklahoma
9 Louisville
10 Boise State
link: https://football.loudsound.org/2008?yearupdate=2016%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F/